The Central Revenues Control Laboratory (CRCL) is located in IARI Campus, Pusa, New Delhi. It started functioning in 1939. A sub-laboratory also functions at the New Custom House, IGI Airport, New Delhi. The laboratory has been granted NABL Accreditation in accordance with the ISO/IEC 17025:2017 in the discipline of Biological - Food & Agricultural Products, Chemical - Animal Feed & Food, Drugs & Pharmaceuticals, Food & Agricultural Products, Metals & Alloys, Hazardous & Restricted Chemicals, Ores & Minerals, Petroleum & Products, Residue & Food Products, Solid Fuels, Textile and Forensic Chemical Sciences - Narcotics Drugs & Psychotropic Substances. CRCL New Delhi has also been notified/recognized (Reg. No.84/N/FSSAI/2021) by Food Safety & Standards Authority of India (FSSAI). In March 2021, CRCL achieved the distinction of being recognized as the Regional Custom Laboratory (RCL) for Asia-Pacific Region by the World Customs Organization (WCO).